Im A Republican Because Visualized With R
permalink: /archive/:year/:month/:day/:title.html layout: single status: publish published: true title: ‘“I’‘m a Republican because…”, visualized with R’ aut...
permalink: /archive/:year/:month/:day/:title.html layout: single status: publish published: true title: ‘“I’‘m a Republican because…”, visualized with R’ aut...
Introduction In Part 1 of this tutorial we introduced the fechell library by extracting all itemized contributions from individuals made to the Obama For Ame...
Introduction fechell is a ruby library used to extract data from electronically filed Federal Election Commission reports, saving you from the hell of parsin...
Expendicus, along with several other entries in the Apps For America contest, got a brief mention on the OpenSecrets Capitol Eye blog for making use of CRP/O...
Yesterday the winners of the Sunlight Labs Apps For America contest were announced and I'm really excited to see that my entry Expendicus got an honorable me...